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English Grammar (Lesson#1: Present tenses/Present simple tense)

Present Simpleالمضارع البسيط

Listed below are uses with examples, and the structure of the present simple tense.
متى يستخدم المضارع البسيط؟ فيما يلى بعض الامثلة على كيفية تكوين المضارع البسيط و متى يستخدم 

Permanent or long-lasting situationsيتم استخدام المضارع البسيط عند السؤال عن مواقف او اوضاع دائمة 
Where do you work?السؤال عن العمل فهو وضع دائم فالشخص لا يغير عمله كل يوم
The store opens at 9 o'clock.الوقت الذي يفتح فيه المتجر فله وقت محدد يفتح فيه يوميا و لا يغيره فهو وضع دائم
She lives in New York.عن مكان السكن فالشخص لا يغير المكان الذى يعيش فيه يوميا
Regular habits and daily routinesيستخدم المضارع البسيط ايضا فى التعبير عن الروتين و العادات اليومية 
I usually get up at 7 o'clock.
She doesn't often go to the cinema.
When do they usually have lunch?
Factsفى التعبير عن الحقائق العلمية
The Earth revolves around the Sun.مثل الارض تدور حول الشمس
What does 'strange' mean?
Water doesn't boil at 20 degrees.
Feelingsفى التعبير عن المشاعر
I love walking around late at night during the summer.
She hates flying!
What do you like? I don't want to live in Texas.
Opinions and states of mindفى التعبير عن الآراء الشخصية
He doesn't agree with you.
I think he is a wonderful student.
What do you consider your best accomplishment?
Timetables and schedulesفى التعبير عن المواعيد و الجداول الزمنية
The plane leaves at 4 p.m.
When do courses begin this semester?
The train doesn't arrive until 10.35.
Common present time expressions include:التعبيرات التى تستخدم فى زمن المضارع البسيط
usually, always, often, sometimes, on Saturdays, at weekends (on weekends US English), rarely, on occasion, never, seldom
Structureتكوين المضارع البسيط
Positiveفى صيغة الايجاب
In the positive form add an 's' to the base form of the 3rd person singular. If the verb ends in -y preceded by a consonant, change the -y to -ies.
I, You, We, They -> eat lunch at noon.
He, She, It -> works well in any situation.
Negativeفى صيغة النفى
Conjugate the helping verb 'do' not (don't and doesn't) the base form of the verb to make negatives.
I, You, We, They -> don't enjoy opera.
He, She, It -> doesn't belong to the club.
Questionsفى صيغة السؤال
Conjugate the helping verb 'do' (do or does) the base form of the verb in question forms.
Do -> I, you, we, they -> work in this town?
Does -> he, she, it -> live in this city?
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